About the Georgetown House Tour

The Georgetown House Tour
The Georgetown House Tour is the oldest, most prestigious house tour in the country. The Georgetown House Tour gives locals and out-of-towners alike the opportunity to visit 18th and 19th century historic homes graciously opened for this event. Attendees are also invited to the Parish Tea in Blake Hall at St. John’s. The Tour attracts more than 1,600 attendees, and is sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church. Over 300 dedicated volunteers from the community, including organizations like the Junior League, come together each year to make this event a success. Proceeds from The Georgetown House Tour support the ministries of St. John’s.
The Magazine
The Georgetown House Tour Magazine serves as the “ticket” for the Tour and the Tea, and is a treasured souvenir for those visiting the 7-9 beautiful homes and gardens on the Tour. The Magazine provides a detailed historical description of each home on the Tour; information about St. John’s Church; a list of friends, sponsors of the tour and a walking map. In an 8 ½ x 11 format, the full color Magazine creates advertising opportunities at several levels. Advertising in the Tour Magazine gives your organization exposure to prominent Georgetowners and Washingtonians, architects and designers, friends of the church, and those visiting from out-of-town. For questions about ad placement, visit our sponsor information page and advertising information page or email georgetownhousetour@gmail.com.
The Patrons’ Party
In conjunction with the House Tour, residents eagerly anticipate one of the highlights of the social season–the Georgetown House Tour Patrons’ Party. This fundraiser is open to the public and draws Georgetowners, friends of St. John’s and their guests to a landmark local home for a festive evening. The participating homeowners are honored at this event. Depending on the level of patronage, each guest receives a House Tour Magazine (which serves as the ticket to the House Tour and Tea), providing an additional avenue to highlight your organization. Putting the Magazine directly into the hands of these attendees is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to appeal to an important segment of our community.